Messy church

What is MESSY Church? –

Takes place in over 30 countries worldwide, 500,000 people involved each month and is found in a variety of Christian denominations.

In Ballyclare Messy Church enables people of  all ages to belong to Christ together through their local church. It is a way of being church which is particularly suited to families, but welcoming to all. It meets at a time and on a day that suits local families and is particularly aimed at people who have never belonged to church before.


  • A warm welcome (open to all ages)
  • An hour of hands-on activities with a bible theme
  • A short celebration with a story, song and prayer
  • A meal together
  • A new session each month

To find out about when our next Ballyclare Messy Church occurs keep an eye on the Newssheet (click on the Breaking News tile on this website), or contact our Church office coordinator who would be delighted to give you more information or Phone 028 9334 0302, or email

For more information on the wider Messy Church in United Kingdom please go to

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